The Power of Imagination Workshop
Saturday, October 5, 2024
10am – 1:15pm
with Gen Kelsang Namdrol
Cost $25.00 Register On-Line above or Drop-In and pay at the door.

The mind is rich with creative power. Every day our mind creates a multitude of realities. They are each attended by various emotions and experienced in diverse ways. We may experience a sense of joy and freedom, but when our mind is governed by fear, anger, or confusion, we create a dark and negative world for ourselves.

Buddha taught how we can engage the imagination to see far beyond the confines of our ordinary thinking. It can move us into extraordinary realms of possibility. By learning to join our imagination with wisdom or love, we can create and inhabit a world full of joy and meaning. The truth is, everything begins in the mind with our thoughts and our imagination – including us!
Each session will include practical advice and guided meditation. 
No experience needed – Everyone is welcome.

Session 1: 10-11:15 am
Break: 11:15 – 11:45 am
Session 2: 11:45 – 1 pm
Q&A 1-1:15pm

The Resident Teacher

Gen Kelsang Namdrol is a modern Buddhist nun and the
Resident Teacher of Samudrabadra Kadampa Buddhist Center.

She has been studying, practicing, and teaching Kadampa Buddhism for many years
under Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, the founder of the New Kadampa Tradition. Gen Namdrol’s heartfelt and practical teachings are presented with warmth, clarity, and humor making them accessible to everyone.