What Happens After Death? A Buddhist Perspective on Reincarnation and Karma  Daycourse
Saturday, March 1, 2025 at 10am – 3:15pm
with Gen Kelsang Namdrol
Cost $35.00 Register On-Line above or Drop-In and pay at the door.

What happens to us when we die? Do we just disappear when our body stops working or does part of us continue in some form?

According to Buddha’s teachings, consciousness is not a physical thing. It neither comes from our body nor will it cease when our body can no longer function as its vehicle.  There is a deep level of consciousness within each living being that can exist without a physical basis. It is this level that continues beyond death and eventually reincarnates in another form.

In this day course, we will look at the process of death, intermediate state, and rebirth, and the reasons supporting the belief in reincarnation. We will also examine the law of karma, the idea that every physical, verbal, or mental action we perform plants a seed, or potential, in our mind that eventually ripens as an effect. Negative seeds ripen as an experience of suffering, while positive actions ripen as an experience of happiness. Through understanding the law of karma we can become like an architect of our future lives and create the causes to experience the meaningful, happy lives we wish for.

Each session includes a talk and guided meditation.
Everyone is welcome!  No experience is needed.

Session 1: 10 am – 11:15 am
Break: 11:15 -11:45 am
Session 2: 11:45 – 1 pm
Lunch: 1 – 2 pm
Session 3: 2- 3 pm
Q&A 3 – 3:15 pm

The Resident Teacher

Gen Kelsang Namdrol is a modern Buddhist nun and the
Resident Teacher of Samudrabadra Kadampa Buddhist Center.

She has been studying, practicing, and teaching Kadampa Buddhism for many years
under Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, the founder of the New Kadampa Tradition. Gen Namdrol’s heartfelt and practical teachings are presented with warmth, clarity, and humor making them accessible to everyone.