Faith and the Logical Mind
Friday, March 21, 2025 7-8:30pm with Gen Kelsang Namdrol
Cost $15.00 Register On-Line above or Drop-In and pay at the door.
The life we wish to have and the world we wish to experience is created upon the foundation of faith and reason. Having a mind of faith is like having pure eyes that can see a pure and perfect world beyond the ordinary life we normally experience.
Faith is not simply belief. Buddha teaches that faith also encompasses the capacity to reason; thinking logically and clearly. When faith is based on such reasoning it becomes a powerful force for good in our lives. It gives us certainty about our direction and increases our energy to accomplish our inner and outer goals.
Please join us for this inspiring talk and learn how the Buddhist definition and practice of faith give us the power to live our lives with real confidence and purpose.
The talk will include guided meditations and time for Q&A.
Everyone is welcome! No experience is needed.
The Resident Teacher
Gen Kelsang Namdrol is a modern Buddhist nun and the
Resident Teacher of Samudrabadra Kadampa Buddhist Center.
She has been studying, practicing, and teaching Kadampa Buddhism for many years
under Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, the founder of the New Kadampa Tradition. Gen Namdrol’s heartfelt and practical teachings are presented with warmth, clarity, and humor making them accessible to everyone.